Webinar: How the FCC ruling sets a new path for ITS

DECEMBER 8, 2020 19:00
ZOOM webinar
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Join us in a webinar about transitioning to C-V2X from any existing C-ITS infrastructure, after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to reallocate the 5,9 GHz spectrum available for vehicle safety.

Laszlo Virag, our CTO will talk about the impacts of the order and how Commsignia supports upgrading to C-V2X to comply with FCC regulations. Whether you have DSRC infrastructure or C-V2X that was installed before the new FCC rules, we help you to set up Commsignia units in a future-proof way.

Topics we will cover:

  • What does this transition mean for DSRC users?
  • How to reconfigure existing C-V2X infrastructure?
  • Details about the frequency reallocation
  • How Commsignia supports migrating to C-V2X?
